Online booking
Widok na budynek hotelu Złoty Groń na tle wzgórz i dolin w pogodny dzień

Legal information

Terms of the Hotel Złoty Groń


  1. Regulations define rules of provision of services, responsibilities stay at the hotel and it is integral part of the contract, which is concluded by signing a registration card, making a reservation, payment of the deposit or the entire amount of your stay in the hotel,as well. In making the above activities,Guest confirms that has read and accepted the terms and conditions of the hotel.
  2. The Regulations shall apply to all guests staying at the Hotel Złoty Groń.
  3. Regulations are available for inspection at the hotel reception, and also on the hotel website and in the rooms.



  1. The hotel’s room is rented for days.
  2. Check-in from 14:00 until 12:00 the next day.
  3. Breakfasts are given out daily between 8:00 - 10:00 AM



  1. The basis for check-in will be presentation guest’s ID to reception employee and signing a registration form.
  2. A hotel guest can not rent a room to a third party, even if period of stay, for which he paid the fee, is not expired.
  3. Persons not registered in the hotel can stay in a hotel room from 7:00 to 22:00.
  4. Hotel may decline to receive a Guest ,who during the previous visit grossly violated the regulations, in particular by causing damage to hotel property or the property of the hotel guests, hotel employees or other persons staying at the hotel.
  5. A booking is guaranteed if payment will be made in the amount of 30%, within 3 days of making reservation. Lack of deposit may result in the automatic cancellation of the booking.
  6. If a room reservation is not canceled within 1 week before arrival , in the case of Christmas, New Year's Eve, winter holidays- for two weeks or in circumstances of no-show on scheduled arrival date to the hotel, a down payment will be not returned.
  7. Guest regulates payment for all declared and prepaid stay. In case of early departure Hotel does not return money.
  8. Hotel reserves the right to pre-authorize a credit card or a deposit in cash amounting to 100 Euro. In situation of Guest refusing ,receptionist has the right to not give out room card .



  1. Hotel provides services in accordance with its category and standard.
  2. In case of compliments regarding the quality of hotel service Guests are asked to immediately report it to the reception, which will enable hotel management to improve the standard of services.
  3. Hotel has an obligation to provide guests with:
    • conditions for full and unfettered leisure
    • safety of the stay, including security to keep secret of the information about the guest,
    • professional and courteous service in all services of the hotel.
  4.  In addition, upon request, Hotel provides the following free of charge services:
    • information related to the stay and travel,
    • waking up at the appointed hour,
    • luggage storage
    • order a taxi,
    • information about tourist and sports
    • room cleaning during your stay will be submitted by the Guest personally or by placing appropriate note on a room door.



  1. Children under the age of 12 should be kept in the Hotel under the constant supervision of the legal guardians. Legal guardians will be responsible financially for any damage caused as a result of children activity.
  2. A hotel Guest are fully responsible for any damage or destruction of equipment and technical facilities of the Hotel, caused due his fault or the fault of people visiting him.
  3. In case of violation of the Regulations, the Hotel can refuse to provide services to a person who violates it. Such a person is obliged to immediately comply with the demands of the Hotel.
  4. Whenever Guests leaving the room, for security reasons, should turn off TV, switch off lights, turn off water and close door.
  5. The hotel has a statutory right pledge on Guests items in case of delay of of payment for the stay or unregulated charges for provided services..



  1. The Hotel is liable for any loss or damage of objects brought by Guest using its services in certain provisions of the Civil Code.
  2. Guests should notify the reception about the damage/loses immediately after its discovery.
  3. The Hotel shall be liable for loss or damage money, securities, valuables or items of scientific or artistic value, if these items were placed for safekeeping at deposit room.
  4. The hotel reserves the right to refuse to the hotel's deposit items of high value, large sums of money, objects endanger the safety and bulky items that can not be put in at deposit room.
  5. The hotel is not liable for damage or loss of a car or other vehicle belonging to a guest, objects left in him and live animals, regardless of whether the vehicles were parked in the hotel car park or outside the hotel.



  1. Personal belongings left in the room by the Guest upon leaving, will be sent, at his request, to the indicated address . Shipping costs will be borne by Guest.
  2. In case of not receiving the referral Hotel will store left belongings at the expense of the owner for a period of three months, and after this period, these items will become the property of the Hotel. Food will be stored for 24 hours.



  1. The night time lasts from 22:00 PM to 7:00 AM.



  1. Guest has the right to file a complaint if quality of provided services is not sufficient.
  2. Any complaints are accepted by the reception.
  3. The complaint should be filed immediately after noticing shortcomings in the standard of provided services.



  1. Hotel does not accept the presence of animals.
  2. The hotel and its close surroundings are strictly non-smoking are, except designated places.
  3. Dangerous goods , - weapons and ammunition, flammable, explosive and illumination ,are not allowed to stored in the Hotel rooms
  4. Guest agrees to the storage and processing of personal data in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data (Dz. U. of 2002. No. 101, item. 926, as amended) by the Hotel and Restaurant Złoty Groń Istebna 593, 43-476 Istebna for the needs of the guest's stay at the hotel and other services provided by the Hotel. The guest has the right to inspect their personal data and its correction.
  5. Hawkers are forbidden to conduct activity in the Hotel.
  6. Making excessive noises,odour and anothers activity disturbing Hotel’s tranquility is forbidden.
  7. Guests are not allowed to make any changes in hotel rooms and their equipment, except for a slight rearranging furniture and equipment, not affecting their functionality and safety of use.
  8. Children under 4 years sharing a bed with their parents are free of charge. The child has the right to use the breakfast.
  9. Guest under the influence of alcohol and / or drugs interfering with a peaceful stay others guests or the functioning of the hotel, it can be removed from it.
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